
A document is returned from calling new on a Model.


document.getModel() -> Model

Return the constructor of this document.

Example: Get the constructor of a post document and create a new one.

var Post = thinky.createModel("Post", {
    id: type.string(),
    title: type.string(),
    content: type.string(),
    authorId: type.string()

var post = new Post({
    title: "Hello",
    content: "First post."

var Model = post.getModel();
// Model === Post

var newPost = new Model({
    title: "New post",
    content: "More content."

Example: Get the name of the table where the document is stored.




Merge doc in the document.
This is especially useful when you need to update a document with partial data before saving it.

Example: Update a user.

var data = req.body; // Data posted by the user
Post.get( {
    post.merge(data).save().then(function(result) {
        // post was updated with `data`


document.validate() -> Promise

Validate a document.
The method validate is called before saving a document.

Note: The option that you can pass to validate are deprecated.

  • enforce_missing: Boolean, true to forbid missing fields.
  • enforce_extra: can be "strict", "remove" (delete the extra fields on validation), "none", default "none"
  • enforce_type: can be "strict", "loose", "none"
    It will overwrite the options set on the document, but not the one set on the schema.

If the model’s option validate is set to "oncreate", the method validate will also be executed every time a new document is created.

The validate method will return a promise if an asynchronous hook is set on validate.

Example: Validate a new user.

catch(err) {
    console.log("The user is not valid."); 


document.validateAll([options, modelToValidate]);

Validate a document.

By default, if modelToValidate is not provided, modelToValidate will keep recursing and will validate all the joined documents.
To avoid infinite recursion, validateAll will not recurse in a field that contains a document from a model that was previously validated.

The option modelToValidate can be an object where each field is a joined document that will also be deleted.

The option argument is optional. It can be an object with the fields:

  • enforce_missing: Boolean, true to forbid missing fields.
  • enforce_extra: can be "strict", "remove" (delete the extra fields on validation), "none", default "none"
  • enforce_type: can be "strict", "loose", "none"
    It will overwrite the options set on the document, but not the one set on the schema.

If the model’s option validate is set to "oncreate", the method validate will also be executed every time a new document is created.

Example: Validate a new user.

catch(err) {
    console.log("The user is not valid."); 

save[callback]) -> Promise

Save the document but not the joined ones.

If you want to also save the joined documents, use saveAll.

The promise will be resolved with the document and the document will be updated in place. If you do not want to use a promise, you can directly pass a callback to save.

Example: Save a new user.

var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()

var user = new User({
    name: "Michel"
}); {
     * doc === user
     * user = {
     *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *     name: "Michel"
     * }

With a callback:, doc) {
    if (error) {
        // handle error
    else {
        // user is saved


document.saveAll([modelToSave], [callback]) -> Promise

Save the document and the joined document. The joined documents will be saved in the appropriate order and the foreign key values will be set. If some references to joined documents have been removed, the documents will be properly updated to reflect the current relations (meaning that if the joined document is not there but the foreign key is, the foreign key will be deleted).

By default, if modelToSave is not provided, saveAll will keep recursing and will save all the joined documents.
To avoid infinite recursion, saveAll will not recurse in a field that contains a document from a model that was previously saved.

The option modelToSave can be an object where each field is a joined document that will also be saved.

The promise will be resolved with the document and the document will be updated in place.

Rule: If you want to make sure not to destroy relations when calling saveAll, the “rule” is to call saveAll(...) on a document only if you retrieved it with getJoin(...). If you retrieved the document with getJoin(modelToGet), then you should call saveAll(modelToSave) with modelToSave == modelToGet.

Example: Save a user and its account.

Suppose the models User and Account are linked with a “hasOne” relation.

var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()

var Account = thinky.createModel("Account", {
    id: type.string(),
    userId: type.string(),
    sold: type.number()

User.hasOne(Account, "account", "id", "userId")


var user = new User({
    name: "Michel",
    account: {
        sold: 2420

user.saveAll({account: true}).then(function(result) {
     * user = {
     *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *     name: "Michel",
     *     account: {
     *         id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *         userId: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *         sold: 2420
     *     }
     * }

With a callback:

user.saveAll(function(error, result) {
    if (error) {
        // handle error
    else {
        // user and account are saved

Example: Update a hasOne relation.

var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()
var Account = thinky.createModel("Account", {
    id: type.string(),
    sold: type.number(),
    userId: type.string()

User.hasOne(Account, "account", "id", "userId");

    .getJoin({account: true}).run().then(function(user) {
     * var user = {
     *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *     name: "Michel",
     *     account: {
     *         id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *         userId: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *         sold: 2420
     *     }
     * }
     user.account = null;
     user.saveAll({account: true}).then(function(user) {
         * var user = {
         *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
         *     name: "Michel",
         * }
            .then(function(account) {

             *  // The foreign key in account was deleted.
             *  var account: {
             *      id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
             *      sold: 2420
             *  }


Example: Update a hasMany relation.

var Author = thinky.createModel("Author", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()
var Post = thinky.createModel("Post", {
    id: type.string(),
    title: type.string(),
    content: type.string(),
    authorId: type.string()

Author.hasMany(Post, "posts", "id", "authorId");

    .then(function(author) {

     * var author = {
     *     id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *     name: "Michel",
     *     posts:[
     *         {
     *             id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *             title: "Hello world",
     *             content: "This is the first post",
     *             authorId: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *         }, {
     *             id: "706f7730-8f28-4e57-8555-255b0746919b",
     *             title: "Second post",
     *             content: "This is the second post",
     *             authorId: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *         }, {
     *             id: "18cadb27-54b6-41ab-b6e2-e1c49603e82f",
     *             title: "One more post",
     *             content: "This is the third post",
     *             authorId: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *         }
     *     ]
     * }
    author.posts.splice(1, 1);
    author.saveAll({posts: true}).then(function(author) {
        Author.get({posts: true}).run().then(function(author) {
         * var author = {
         *     id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
         *     name: "Michel",
         *     posts:[
         *         {
         *             id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
         *             title: "Hello world",
         *             content: "This is the first post",
         *             authorId: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
         *         }, {
         *             id: "18cadb27-54b6-41ab-b6e2-e1c49603e82f",
         *             title: "One more post",
         *             content: "This is the third post",
         *             authorId: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
         *         }
         *     ]
         * }
var Post = thinky.createModel("Post", {
    id: type.string(),
    title: type.string(),
    content: type.string(),
    authorId: type.string()

var Author = thinky.createModel("Author", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()

Post.belongsTo(Author, "author", "authorId", "id")

    .getJoin({author: true}).run().then(function(post) {

     * post = {
     *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *     title: "Hello world",
     *     content: "This is the first post",
     *     authorId: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *     author: {
     *         id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *         name: "Michel"
     *     }
     * }
    post.saveAll({author: true}).then(function(post) {

            .getJoin({author: true}).run().then(function(post) {

             * post = {
             *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
             *     title: "Hello world",
             *     content: "This is the first post"
             * }


Example: Save a document and a joined document with belongsTo.

var Post = thinky.createModel("Post", {
    id: type.string(),
    title: type.string(),
    content: type.string(),
    authorId: type.string()

var Author = thinky.createModel("Author", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()

Post.belongsTo(Author, "author", "authorId", "id")

Savet the two documents. The author is saved first.

var post = new Post({
        title: "Hello world",
        content: "This is the first post",
        author: {
            name: "Michel"
}); {
    /* result === post
     * post = {
     *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *     title: "Hello world",
     *     content: "This is the first post",
     *     authorId: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *     author: {
     *         id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *         name: "Michel"
     *     }
     * }

Example: Save a user and all its friends.

var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()

User.hasAndBelongsToMany(User, "friends", "id", "id")

var michel = new User({
    name: "Michel"
var marc = new User({
    name: "Marc"
var sophia = new User({
    name: "Sophia"
var ben = new User({
    name: "Ben"

michel.friends = [marc, sophia, ben]

Because the field friends contains instances of User and that michel is also an instance of User, we must explicitly specify the field friends in modelToSave.

michel.saveAll({friends: true}).then(function(result) {
        id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
        name: "Michel",
        email: "[email protected]",
        friends: [
                id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
                name: "Marc",
                email: "[email protected]"
            }, {
                id: "706f7730-8f28-4e57-8555-255b0746919b",
                name: "Sophia",
                email: "[email protected]"
            }, {
                id: "18cadb27-54b6-41ab-b6e2-e1c49603e82f",
                name: "Ben",
                email: "[email protected]"

Or with a callback:

michel.saveAll({friends: true}, function(error, result) {
    if (error) {
        // handle error
    else {
        // michel and friends were saved


document.isSaved() -> Boolean

Return whether the document is saved in the database.

Example: Get the constructor of a post document and create a new one.

var post = new Post({
    title: "Hello",
    content: "First post."

post.isSaved(); // false {
    post.isSaved(); // true



Return the previous value of the document saved in the database.

Example: Return the old value of the document after saving it.

var post = new Post({
    title: "Hello",
    content: "First post."
}); {
    post.title = "Bonjour"; {
        /* Return 
              id: ...,
              title: "Hello",
              content: "First post."



Set the document as a saved one. Calling save or saveAll will then perform a replace in the database.

Note: The save command performs a replace in the database, so use setSaved with save only if you are sure that the document you are saving is not missing fields.

Example: Get the constructor of a post document and create a new one.

var post = new Post({
    title: "Hello",
    content: "First post."

post.isSaved(); // true {
    // Performed a replace in the database


document.delete([callback]) -> Promise

Delete a document from the database.

The delete method does not delete the joined documents, but may update them if

  • they were created in relation with the current document (via getJoin, saveAll etc.)
  • they contain a foreign key that links to the document being deleted.

If you want to delete the joined documents too, use deleteAll.

If you do not want to use a promise, you can directly pass a callback to delete.

Example: Delete a single document.

var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()

User.get("0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a").then(function(user) {
    user.delete().then(function(result) {
        // user === result
        // user was deleted from the database
        user.isSaved(); // false

Example: Delete a single document and update a joined document.

var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()

var Account = thinky.createModel("Account", {
    id: type.string(),
    userId: type.string(),
    sold: type.number()

User.hasOne(Account, "account", "id", "userId")

User.get("0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a").getJoin({account: true}).run()
    .then(function(user) {

     * user = {
     *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *     name: "Michel",
     *     account: {
     *         id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *         userId: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *         sold: 2420
     *     }
     * }
    user.delete().then(function(result) {
        user.isSaved(); // false;
        account.isSaved(); // true;
         * user.account = {
         *     id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
         *     sold: 2420
         * }
            .then(function(account) {

             * account = {
             *     id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
             *     sold: 2420
             * }


document.deleteAll([modelToDelete], [callback]) -> Promise

Delete a document from the database and all the joined documents it has that are currently linked with it.

By default, if modelToDelete is not provided, deleteAll will keep recursing and will delete all the joined documents.
To avoid infinite recursion, deleteAll will not recurse in a field that contains a document from a model that was previously deleted.

The option modelToDelete can be an object where each field is a joined document that will also be deleted.

The promise will be resolved with the document.

To delete joined documents that are not directly linked to the document but could be in the database, use purge.

If you do not want to use a promise, you can directly pass a callback to deleteAll.

Example: Delete a single document and its account.

var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()

var Account = thinky.createModel("Account", {
    id: type.string(),
    userId: type.string(),
    sold: type.number()

User.hasOne(Account, "account", "id", "userId")

User.get("0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a").getJoin({account: true})
    .run().then(function(user) {

     * user = {
     *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *     name: "Michel",
     *     account: {
     *         id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *         userId: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *         sold: 2420
     *     }
     * }
    user.delete().then(function(result) {
        // result === user
        user.isSaved(); // false;
        account.isSaved(); // false;

Example: Delete a user and all its friends.

var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()

User.hasAndBelongsToMany(User, "friends", "id", "id")

var michel = new User({
    name: "Michel"
var marc = new User({
    name: "Marc"
var sophia = new User({
    name: "Sophia"
var ben = new User({
    name: "Ben"

michel.friends = [marc, sophia, ben]

Because the field friends contains instances of User and that michel is also an instance of User, we must explicitly specify the field friends in modelToDelete.

Users.get("0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a").run().then(function(michel) {
     * {
     *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *     name: "Michel",
     *     email: "[email protected]",
     *     friends: [
     *         {
     *             id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *             name: "Marc",
     *             email: "[email protected]"
     *         }, {
     *             id: "706f7730-8f28-4e57-8555-255b0746919b",
     *             name: "Sophia",
     *             email: "[email protected]"
     *         }, {
     *             id: "18cadb27-54b6-41ab-b6e2-e1c49603e82f",
     *             name: "Ben",
     *             email: "[email protected]"
     *         }
     *     ]
     * }

     user.deleteAll({friends: true}).then(function(result) {
        // michel, marc, sophia and ben are deleted from the database


document.addRelation(field, joinedDocument) -> Promise

Shortcut for

Model.get(, joinedDocument).run()


document.removeRelation(field[, joinedDocument]) -> Promise

Shortcut for

Model.get([, joinedDocument]).run()


document.purge([callback]) -> Promise

Delete a document and will run a range update on the database to remove all the references to the current document. Joined documents that were not retrieved will also be updated.

The point of this method is to keep your data consitent.

The promise will be resolved with the document. If you do not want to use a promise, you can directly pass a callback to purge.

Example: Delete a user and make sure that no reference to it still exists in the database.

var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()

User.hasAndBelongsToMany(User, "friends", "id", "id")

var michel = new User({
    name: "Michel"
var marc = new User({
    name: "Marc"
var sophia = new User({
    name: "Sophia"
var ben = new User({
    name: "Ben"

michel.friends = [marc, sophia, ben]

michel.saveAll({friends}).then(function(michel) {
    User.get( {
        // michel.friends === undefined
        michel.purge().then(function(michel) {
            // michel is deleted
            // marc, sophia and ben relations with michel have been deleted 


document.getFeed() -> Feed

Return the change feed associated with this document.


document.closeFeed() -> Promise

Close the change feed associated with this document.

EventEmitter’s methods

All the methods defined on EventEmitter are available on a model.

The events that can be emited are:

  • "saving": just before a document is saved
  • "saved": once a document is saved
  • "deleted": once a document is deleted