

Thinky lets you create Models that you can join. Four relations are defined:

These four relations are usually used in three different ways.
Suppose we have two models A and B, we can have:

  • 1-1 relation

A 1-1 relation means that each instance of a Model A has and belongs to one instance of a model B.
In terms of actual code, it means that you have:

A.hasOne(B, ...)
B.belongsTo(A, ...)

The hasOne and belongsTo relations are similar.
The difference is that for A.hasOne(B, ...), the foreign key is stored in B, while in A.belongsTo(B, ...), the foreign key is stored in A.

Example: Each user has exactly one account, and each account belongs to exactly one user.

var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()
var Account = thinky.createModel("Account", {
    id: type.string(),
    sold: type.number(),
    userId: type.string()

User.hasOne(Account, "account", "id", "userId");
Account.belongsTo(User, "user", "userId", "id");

A user with its joined account will be:

var user = {
    id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
    name: "Michel",
    account: {
        id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
        userId: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
        sold: 2420

An account with its joined user will be:

var account = {
    id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
    userId: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
    sold: 2420
    user: {
        id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
        name: "Michel",
  • 1-n relation

A 1-n relation means that a each instance of a Model A possesses multiple instance of B, but each instance of B belongs to only one instance of A.
In terms of actual code, it means that you have:

A.hasMany(B, ...)
B.belongsTo(A, ...)

Example: An author has many posts, but each post is written by only one author.

var Author = thinky.createModel("Author", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()
var Post = thinky.createModel("Post", {
    id: type.string(),
    title: type.string(),
    content: type.string(),
    authorId: type.string()

Author.hasMany(Post, "posts", "id", "authorId");
Post.belongsTo(Author, "author", "authorId", "id");

An author with its posts will look like

var author = {
    id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
    name: "Michel",
            id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
            title: "Hello world",
            content: "This is the first post",
            authorId: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
        }, {
            id: "706f7730-8f28-4e57-8555-255b0746919b",
            title: "Second post",
            content: "This is the second post",
            authorId: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
        }, {
            id: "18cadb27-54b6-41ab-b6e2-e1c49603e82f",
            title: "One more post",
            content: "This is the third post",
            authorId: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",

A post with its author will look like

var post = {
        id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
        title: "Hello world",
        content: "This is the first post",
        authorId: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
        author: {
            id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
            name: "Michel"
  • n-n relation

A n-n relation means that each instance of a Model A possesses multiple instances of B, and that each instance of B also possesses multiple instances of A.

In terms of actual code, it means that you have:

A.hasAndBelongsToMany(B, ...)
B.hasAndBelongsToMany(A, ...)

The relation hasAndBelongsToMany is symmetric, meaning that if A “has” B, then B also “has” A.

var Post = thinky.createModel("Post", {
    id: type.string(),
    title: type.string(),
    content: type.string()
var Tag = thinky.createModel("Tag", {
    id: type.string(),
    tag: type.string()

Post.hasAndBelongsToMany(Tag, "tags", "id", "id")
Tag.hasAndBelongsToMany(Post, "posts", "id", "id")

A post with its joined tags will look like:

    id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
    title: "Hello world",
    content: "This is the first post",
    tags: [
            id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
            tag: "test"
        }, {
            id: "706f7730-8f28-4e57-8555-255b0746919b",
            tag: "blog"
        }, {
            id: "18cadb27-54b6-41ab-b6e2-e1c49603e82f",
            tag: "random"

A tag with its joined posts will look like:

    id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
    tag: "test",
    posts: [
            id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
            title: "Hello world",
            content: "This is the first post.",
        }, {
            id: "eaed7d80-5205-488c-aedc-eb91e9f77d6b",
            title: "Second test",
            content: "Trying another post.",

Save documents


The save command saves the local document to the database but does not the joined documents and does not copy (and save) the foreign keys and links.

Use save only when you want to save local changes of document.


The saveAll command will save the local document to the database and will recurse in joined documents for the provided keys. The foreign keys and links will be automatically saved by `thinky.

Note: saveAll can delete foreign keys if the joined document is not present. The “rule” to make sure that such thing does not happen is to call saveAll on a document only if you retrieved it with getJoin with the same argument.

Note: A notable exception is for hasAndBelongsToMany relations. In this case you can provide an array with keys to link. saveAll will only create the relations between the document and not verify that the document actually do exist. This makes building an API more convenient (similiar to what update provides).


Suppose we have the following code:

var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()
var Account = thinky.createModel("Account", {
    id: type.string(),
    sold: type.number(),
    userId: type.string()

User.hasOne(Account, "account", "id", "userId");
Account.belongsTo(User, "user", "userId", "id");

var user = new User({...});
var account = new Account({...});

user.account = account;
account.user = user;

user.saveAll({account: true}).then(...);

We will first save user, then copy user’s id in account.userId, then save account.

Executing account.saveAll({user: true}) will save things in the same order since we need to save user first to fill the foreign key in account. Using the appropriate order to save documents will be done by thinky.

Advanced saveAll
You can force thinky to save joined documents by explicitly specifying in which fields saveAll should recurse into.
A common example is when a Model is linked with itself.


var Human = thinky.createModel("Human", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string(),
    contactId: type.string()
Human.belongsTo(Human, "emergencyContact", "contactId", "id");

var michel = new Human({
    name: "Michel"
var sophia = new Human({
    name: "Sophia"

michel.emergencyContact = sophia;

Save both documents and the relation.

michel.saveAll({emergencyContact: true}).then(...);


If you call save on a document that you previously saved or that you retrieved from the database, the save command will update the document.

Calling saveAll on a saved document will also update the relations (foreign keys, links etc.).

Example: Update a hasOne relation.

var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()
var Account = thinky.createModel("Account", {
    id: type.string(),
    sold: type.number(),
    userId: type.string()

User.hasOne(Account, "account", "id", "userId");

    .getJoin({account: true}).run().then(function(user) {
     * var user = {
     *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *     name: "Michel",
     *     account: {
     *         id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *         userId: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *         sold: 2420
     *     }
     * }
     user.account = null;
     user.saveAll().then(function(user) {
         * var user = {
         *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
         *     name: "Michel",
         * }
            .then(function(account) {

             *  // The foreign key in account was deleted.
             *  var account: {
             *      id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
             *      sold: 2420
             *  }


Retrieve documents

Use the getJoin command to retrieve joined documents.

Example: Basic usage.

var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()
var Account = thinky.createModel("Account", {
    id: type.string(),
    sold: type.number(),
    userId: type.string()

User.hasOne(Account, "account", "id", "userId");
Account.belongsTo(User, "user", "userId", "id");

User.getJoin({account: true}).run().then(function(result) {
     * All the documents in `result` will be like
     * var user = {
     *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *     name: "Michel",
     *     account: {
     *         id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *         userId: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *         sold: 2420
     *     }
     * }

Example: You can manually set the joined documents to retrieve.

var Human = thinky.createModel("Human", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string(),
    partnerId: type.string()
Human.belongsTo(Human, "emergencyContact", "contactId", "id");

var michel = new Human({
    name: "Michel"
var sophia = new Human({
    name: "Sophia"

michel.emergencyContact = sophia;

Human.getJoin({emergencyContact: true}).then(function(result) {
     * All the documents in `result` will be like
     * var user = {
     *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *     name: "Michel",
     *     contactId: "4650ad62-fabb-4cd6-8672-dd68cdda77a1"
     *     emergencyContact: {
     *         id: "4650ad62-fabb-4cd6-8672-dd68cdda77a1"
     *         name: "Sophia"
     *     }
     * }

Delete documents


The delete command deletes the local document to the database and will keep the data consistent without doing range updates.


var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()
var Account = thinky.createModel("Account", {
    id: type.string(),
    sold: type.number(),
    userId: type.string()

User.hasOne(Account, "account", "id", "userId");
Account.belongsTo(User, "user", "userId", "id");

User.get("0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a").run().then(function(user) {
     *  var user = {
     *      id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *      name: "Michel",
     *      account: {
     *          id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *          userId: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *          sold: 2420
     *      }
     *  }
    user.delete().then(function(result) {
         * user.isSaved() === false
         * user.account.isSaved() === false
         *  var user = {
         *      id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
         *      name: "Michel",
         *      account: {
         *          id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
         *          sold: 2420
         *      }
         *  }

Example: Update a belongsTo relation.

var Post = thinky.createModel("Post", {
    id: type.string(),
    title: type.string(),
    content: type.string(),
    authorId: type.string()

var Author = thinky.createModel("Author", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()

Post.belongsTo(Author, "author", "authorId", "id")

    .getJoin({author: true}).run().then(function(post) {

     * post = {
     *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *     title: "Hello world",
     *     content: "This is the first post",
     *     authorId: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *     author: {
     *         id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *         name: "Michel"
     *     }
     * }
     */ {
            .getJoin({author: true}).run().then(function(post) {

             * post = {
             *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
             *     title: "Hello world",
             *     content: "This is the first post"
             * }


Like for saveAll and getJoin, deleteAll will recurse in a field as long as it does not contain a Model previously deleted in another field. You can manually force deleteAll to delete a joined document by manually specifying the field.

Example: Delete a user and its associated account.

var User = thinky.createModel("User", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string()
var Account = thinky.createModel("Account", {
    id: type.string(),
    sold: type.number(),
    userId: type.string()

User.hasOne(Account, "account", "id", "userId");
Account.belongsTo(User, "user", "userId", "id");

User.get("0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a").run().then(function(user) {
     *  var user = {
     *      id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *      name: "Michel",
     *      account: {
     *          id: "3851d8b4-5358-43f2-ba23-f4d481358901",
     *          userId: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *          sold: 2420
     *      }
     *  }
    user.deleteAll().then(function(result) {
         * user.isSaved() === false
         * user.account.isSaved() === false

Example: You can manually set the joined documents to delete.

var Human = thinky.createModel("Human", {
    id: type.string(),
    name: type.string(),
    partnerId: type.string()
Human.belongsTo(Human, "emergencyContact", "contactId", "id");

    .getJoin({emergencyContact: true}).then(function(human) {

     * var human = {
     *     id: "0e4a6f6f-cc0c-4aa5-951a-fcfc480dd05a",
     *     name: "Michel",
     *     contactId: "4650ad62-fabb-4cd6-8672-dd68cdda77a1"
     *     emergencyContact: {
     *         id: "4650ad62-fabb-4cd6-8672-dd68cdda77a1"
     *         name: "Sophia"
     *     }
     * }
    human.deleteAll({emergenctyContact: true}).then(function(human) {
        // human.isSaved === false
        // human.emergencyContact === false


The purge command works like the delete one except that it will run range update/delete in the database to keep data consistent.